We are pioneers in smart mobility and your efficient partner for green deals. We support you with advanced and practical tools to help you realise your sustainability goals and future-oriented mobility.
Realise your Green Deals efficiently and easily with FluidLife.
Provide sustainable mobility as a modern service with FluidHub.
Bundle motivation, measures and monitoring of your joint team projects on a single and practical platform.
Conveniently offer planning, booking and payment of the entire journey in real time on your branded MaaS platform.
Realise your Green Deals efficiently and easily with FluidLife.
Bundle motivation, measures and monitoring of your joint team projects on a single and practical platform.
Provide sustainable mobility as a modern service with FluidHub.
Conveniently offer planning, booking and payment of the entire journey in real time on your branded MaaS platform.
With our tools you can:
These national and international partners go their way with us.
Our tools create satisfied partners in these successful projects.
Zauner optimizes the last mile to the sites with FluidLife.
Goldbeck transforms car parks into mobility hubs with FluidHub.
Shuttle uses Mobility-as-a-Service as a competitive advantage with FluidHub.
PKE makes better use of the company’s own resources with FluidLife.
FH Upper Austria motivates employees to commute sustainably with FuidLife.
You want to get active? Let’s talk about your project!
Use our tools to implement your sustainability projects simply, efficiently and practically. Or do you want to waste time with various incompatible half-solutions and cumbersome summarisation of your sustainability data?
We are working for a desirable future!
At Fluidtime, we are passionate IT technicians and experts. And at the same time, we are parents, relatives, students and responsible team members. It is personally important to all of us that a desirable future becomes a reality.
As a pioneer and experienced software provider, we use our tools in internationally implemented projects to help ensure that green deals and sustainable mobility are implemented easily, quickly and effectively.
About us
Our origins, our motivation, our vision for a desirable world.
Interesting facts from the legal environment, helpful features, international mobility, and much more.
Exchange experiences and work on the desirable future in various ways.